Rabu, April 04, 2007

Cangkuang Temple

Cangkuang Temple is 10 kilometers from Tarogong to the North in the direction to Bandung. To go there, tourists particularly foreigners took delman (a traditional land transportation with horse in the front). Beautiful flowers cover the shallow situ. There is a small island in the middle of the lake, namely Cangkuang temple. It is the only Hindu temple that ever found in West Java is the important discovery in the past. Cangkuang has been built in the period of the first Sundanese Kingdom: Galuh Kingdom. Near the temple, there are heritage graves from the Moslem follower Arif Muhammad, who is one of the Mataram Kingdom soldier from Central Java when attacking the Dutch Colonialist in Batavia (now Jakarta), at the 17th Century. The ambush failed, he refused to return and stayed in Cangkuang for teaching and disseminating Islam to the surrounding community, precisely in Kampung Pulo, where his hereditary stays until now. In Kampung Pulo, can be found the traditional village, which contains six houses in a row and face-to-face, three on the left and three on the right, plus one mosque, which stays only six families. In the edge of the lake, to reach Cangkuang temple, people must use traditional transportation made from bamboo, but safe and comfortable that is called rakit (raft).

Kamis, Maret 29, 2007

Dodol Garut

Dodol Garut adalah salah satu komoditas yang suda mengangkat kabupaten garut sebagai penghasil dodol dengan kualitas tinggi,memang tidak hanya dodol saja yang menjadi andalan garut masih banyak contoh: berbagai penganan dari kulit sapi,angleng,wajik dsb.
akan tetapi itu tidak dikenal baik oleh masyarakat.dodol dikenal sekali oleh masyarakat ,tidak hanya di indoesia bahkan sampai ke mancanegara karena dodol ini sudah ekspor.
Siapa yang tidak kenal dodol garut,bahkan sekarang sudah dikembangkan menjadi beberapa varian rasa dari rasa durian,coklat,dsb.
Dodol garut sungguh lezat,dan cocok juga sebagai teman untuk minum teh.ehm........yummy tertarik dengan penganan ini datanglah ke garut.

Rabu, Maret 28, 2007

Kenapa Agloco

Buat rekan-rekan yang pasti sudah tak sabar menunggu dilepaskannya viewbar agloco, ada kabar gembira dimana viewbar akan segera di launching antara tanggal 26 Maret - 16 April 2007.
berikut kutipannya :

From Company Blog Update:

Viewbar Update: Our lead tech development engineer is still in Shanghai with the Viewbar team (now seven engineers). Cutting to the point, the current release date is now between 18 and 39 days from today (between Monday March 26th and Monday April 16th). I am told this is all a function of the QA testing results.

There has been a lot of blog discussion related to the technical specifications of the website, and the ‘comments’ section to the last post has acted as a forum for us to hear, respond to, and learn from Member feedback. Thanks to all those who shared their thoughts, both positive and constructive.

Brian Greenwald
AGLOCO Development Team


Salah satu cara untuk mendapatkan page rank tinggi yaitu SEO ( Search Engine Optimization ),itu sudah menjadi kewajiban bagi anda yang ingin memasang adsense,adbrite atau yang lainnya pada blog/website.
mungkin anda yang baru belajar adsense membutuhkan beberapa tips berikut ini:

1. Daftarkan blog anda ke search engine contohnya:Google.yahoo.MSN atau youtube.
2. Walaupun ini cara kuno tapi anda bisa menggunakan cara ini,yaitu tukeran link dengan link blog/website yang sudah terkenal,ikut forum,atau pasang shoutbox
3. Pasang kode link anda di blog.atau kalo mau lengkap silahkan baca di

Sabtu, Maret 24, 2007

Lombok side

The best-known place on the south coast is Lombok's Kuta Beach (Sometime spelt Kute Beach), a magnificent stretch of white sand and blue sea with rugged hills rising around it, but not much else. It very small development with far fewer tourist than in famous kuta beach on Bali, but there are big plans to develop a whole stretch of the superb south coast with luxury hotels.

After many years of speculation there are signs something is happening, with the road from Praya completely remade and big new road running to as yet undeveloped beaches. A construction site has been fenced off for a Novotel project. Meanwhile, the low budget Losmen at Kuta are all on limited leases, and seem to trying to get maximum income from minimum investment-some of theme are looking decidedly squalid. Travelers are reporting some hassles here too. People flock to Kuta for the annual Nyale fishing celebration. Usually falling in February or March each year, with thousands sleeping on the beach. The main tourist season is August and for the rest of year its very quite.


You can change money at Segara Anak Bungalows, but the rates are not very good. Wisma Segara Anak is a the postal agent and has a booking desk for Perama. Theres a market on Sunday and Wednesday.


Plenty of good waves break on the reefs around here many supposedly secret. There are lefts and rights in the bay in front of Kuta, and some more on reefs east of Tanjung Aan. Local boatman will take you out for a few thousands rupiah. Go about seven km east of the Kuta to the fishing village of Gerupuk, where there are several potential breaks on the reefs at the entrance of Gerupak Bay. Again access is by local fishing boat. Theres more breaks further east and west, from Blongas to Serewi, but nearly all require a boat: the charter rate is about Rp.25,000 each person per day. Bigger yacht from Bali do surf charters along the whole of LOMBOK south coast. There arent many secrets.

Nyale Fishing Festival

On the 19th day of the 10th month in Sasak Calendar-generally February or march-hundreds of Sasak gather on the beach. When night falls, fires a built and the young people sit around competing with each other in rhyming couplets called Pantun. At dawn the next day, the first Nyale a caught, after which it is time for the Sasak teenagers to have fun. In colorful procession boys and girls sail out to sea in different boats - chase one another with lots of noise and laughter. The worm-like nyale fish are eaten raw or grilled, and are believed to have aphrodisiac properties. A good catch is a sign that the rice harvest will also be good.

Membuat Ringkasan "read more" atau "baca selengkapnya"

:: Cara nge-Blog dan Tip Menulis ::23 December 2005
Post-Summary - Abstraksi Posting di Blogspot (5)
Cara membuat ringkasan/abstraksi posting atau READ MORE di blogspot / blogger

Bagi Anda yg sudah membuat blog dan sudah memposting sejumlah entry, mungkin terpikir oleh Anda bahwa postingan Anda terlalu panjang sehingga tak menarik dilihat pengunjung. Apabila ada niat untuk menyingkat posting yg ada di halaman muka supaya lebih menarik dan lebih "catchy" dan judul-judul lain pun jadi lebih visible di mata pengunjung sehingga mereka lebih "betah" lagi nongkrong di blog Anda. Sistem ini
disebut post-summary. Maka, ikuti petunjuk step by step berikut: silahkan lihat di
Kolom Mario gagho http://kolom-mario.blogspot.com/

Selamat mencoba dan selamat menikmati tampilan menarik blog Anda..

Jumat, Maret 23, 2007

My Baby My Soul

Kemarin petang,sewaktu aku baru pulang kerja.kuparkirkan motor bututku di depan rumah,dan aku buka sepatu lalu masuk mengucapkan salam.Kulihat Si Kecil sedang bermain ditengah rumah bersama mainannya,kulihat ada benda baru yaitu sepeda dorong roda tiga .aku bertanya pada istriku sepeda siapa bunda....?jawab istriku..... itu sepeda punya keiko ( anak dari adik sepupuku,yang rumahnya tidak jauh dari rumahku .sambil mendorong - dorong sepeda tersebut dia menengok ke arah ku sambil tersenyum ceria.dari pancaran matanya seakan berkata " yah,....beliin aku sepeda dong." sedih rasanya.dia menghampiriku sambil berjalan tertatih di pegang sama istriku,lalu memelukku erat.kupeluk erat - erat dan ku gendong dia sambil berkata "Insya Allah ya de...nanti ayah beliin".Kurebahkan tubuhku di kursi sambil menuggu keringatku kering,hilang semua rasa penat di badanku setelah seharian bekerja,alhamdulillah......senang rasanya melihat anakku sehat,ceria.walaupun memang anakku lahir prematur dengan berat 1,8 kg dan tinggi 43 cm.sekarang anak perempuanku baru berumur 1 tahun 3 bulan.
Aku kadang terlalu ego,karena tidak memperhatikan perkembangannya ternyata anak mempunyai perasaan yang kuat terhadap ibu bapaknya.Subhanallah........Maha besar Allah SWT dengan segala Ciptaan-Nya.

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