Jakarta - Ajakan para blogger untuk menggelar dialog terbuka dengan Roy Suryo terkait statement yang diucapkannya soal pelaku deface situs Depkominfo, tak lain hanya untuk memperjelas duduk perkara saja.
Menurut salah satu penggiat blog Indonesia yang pernah menjadi Ketua Komite Pesta Blogger 2007, Enda Nasution, niat para blogger menggelar dialog tersebut adalah baik. "Hanya ingin tahu maksud pernyataan blogger yang dituduh Roy berada di balik serangan ke beberapa situs internet di Indonesia," ungkap Enda kepada detikINET, Selasa (1/4/2008).
Pernyataan Roy yang mengklaim blogger dan hacker adalah pelaku aksi deface situs Depkominfo beberapa waktu lalu bikin geram para blogger. Seharusnya, lanjut Enda, Roy yang bertanggung jawab terhadap pernyataannya. Namun justru para blogger yang jadi repot meluruskan masalah.
"Kita yang dituduh, kita yang dirugikan dan 'dicemarkan' namanya, kita juga yang harus mengundang Roy Suryo dan minta penjelasan," keluh Enda.
Blogger, menurut Enda, hanya ingin memperjelas siapa blogger yang dimaksudkan Roy dan apakah Roy mempunyai bukti dan dasar sehingga bisa menuduh seperti itu. "Soalnya ini berkaitan dengan penyidikan polisi, kan ada prosedurnya, ini artinya Roy melangkahi fungsi penyidikan," tandas Enda lagi.
Rabu, April 02, 2008
Selasa, April 01, 2008
Fenomena Ayat -Ayat Cinta
Fantastis itu kata yang pantas untuk Film Ayat - Ayat Cinta (AAC) yang telah ditonton oleh hampir 3 juta penonton indonesia.Film Besutan sutradara muda Hanung Bramantyoitu memang telah menyihir insan film indonesia untuk bisa menyelami dalamnya sungai nil,indahnya mesir.........
tapi Film yang diambil dari Karya terbaik Kang Abikpangillan akrab dari Habiburahman El Shirazy itu tidak sepenuhnya sama dengan Novelnya.
Menurut sang sutradara "Bahasa novel adalah bahasa syair,sedangkan film adalah bahasa visualisasi jadi tidak mungkin setiap kata-kata itu divisualisasikan ke dalam film".
tapi terlepas dari itu semua Karya Film AAC ini sungguh dahsyat karena telah menjadi inspirator dan pembangun jiwa bagi umat muslim di indonesia khususnya, INSYA ALLOH.
Tarif Interkoneksi Turun Mulai 1 April 2008
Pemerintah pada Senin (4/2/2008) kemarin mengeluarkan keputusan penurunan tarif telekomunikasi. Nantinya keputusan ini akan menjadi patokan batas atas tarif telekomunikasi yang berlaku di Tanah Air. Pemerintah mengingatkan bahwa tarif yang berlaku tidak boleh melebihi batas atas.
"Kami harapkan tarif telekomunikasi bisa turun 1 April 2008 nanti dan dasar pemerintah menurunkan tarif ini karena ingin mempercepat target membangun masyarakat berbasis informasi yang dapat dicapai hanya dengan informasi accessibility," kata Menkominfo Muhammad Nuh saat jumpa pers di kantornya, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Jakarta.
Menurut dia, keterjangkauan informasi hanya dapat ditentukan dengan tiga hal. Pertama, ketersediaan infrastruktur, kedua keterjangkauan komunikasi, dan ketiga social readyness.
Di tempat yang sama Dirut PT Telkom Rinaldi Firmansyah menyatakan bahwa mereka akan mengkaji ulang keputusan yang diberikan Depkominfo, karena masih ada satu kekurangan dalam keputusan itu. "Sebetulnya regulasi kita sudah mengarah ke arah yang benar. Namun masih ada kekurangannya yaitu komunikasi lokal yang masih disubsidi oleh SLJJ. Harusnya ada aturannya. Kalau memang seperti itu maka komunikasi lokal harus dinaikkan," terangnya.
Dia juga menyebutkan bahwa penurunan tarif interkoneksi ini akan berdampak pada revenue PT Telkom. Walaupun pendapatannya akan tetap naik, akan tetapi kenaikannya akan lebih rendah atau melambat.
Dalam keputusan pemerintah tersebut, tarif interkoneksi SMS masih berlaku mekanisme Sender Keep All (SKA).
Menurut Menkominfo, penurunan tarif interkoneksi ini diharapkan dapat secara otomatis menurunkan tarif ritel dan juga menekan besaran pengeluaran operator. Hal itu secara tidak langsung akan membuat operator menekan biaya infrastuktur dengan jalan mengikuti peraturan Menkominfo tentang infrastuktur sharing yang aturannya akan dirampungkan pada Februari ini. (Sumber : okezone)
"Kami harapkan tarif telekomunikasi bisa turun 1 April 2008 nanti dan dasar pemerintah menurunkan tarif ini karena ingin mempercepat target membangun masyarakat berbasis informasi yang dapat dicapai hanya dengan informasi accessibility," kata Menkominfo Muhammad Nuh saat jumpa pers di kantornya, Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, Jakarta.
Menurut dia, keterjangkauan informasi hanya dapat ditentukan dengan tiga hal. Pertama, ketersediaan infrastruktur, kedua keterjangkauan komunikasi, dan ketiga social readyness.
Di tempat yang sama Dirut PT Telkom Rinaldi Firmansyah menyatakan bahwa mereka akan mengkaji ulang keputusan yang diberikan Depkominfo, karena masih ada satu kekurangan dalam keputusan itu. "Sebetulnya regulasi kita sudah mengarah ke arah yang benar. Namun masih ada kekurangannya yaitu komunikasi lokal yang masih disubsidi oleh SLJJ. Harusnya ada aturannya. Kalau memang seperti itu maka komunikasi lokal harus dinaikkan," terangnya.
Dia juga menyebutkan bahwa penurunan tarif interkoneksi ini akan berdampak pada revenue PT Telkom. Walaupun pendapatannya akan tetap naik, akan tetapi kenaikannya akan lebih rendah atau melambat.
Dalam keputusan pemerintah tersebut, tarif interkoneksi SMS masih berlaku mekanisme Sender Keep All (SKA).
Menurut Menkominfo, penurunan tarif interkoneksi ini diharapkan dapat secara otomatis menurunkan tarif ritel dan juga menekan besaran pengeluaran operator. Hal itu secara tidak langsung akan membuat operator menekan biaya infrastuktur dengan jalan mengikuti peraturan Menkominfo tentang infrastuktur sharing yang aturannya akan dirampungkan pada Februari ini. (Sumber : okezone)
Tarif Speddy Turun?
Pengguna internet di indonesia akan semakin meluas,ini terbukti di berbagai sekolah - sekolah dasar di daerah yang terpencil bisa mencicipi teknologi internet dan semakin murah tentunya.Wah sekarang para pelanggan Speddy semakin dimanjakan saja, Telkom sendiri telah menurunkan tarif layanan Internet broadband-nya cukup signifikan tepat 1 April 2007 lalu. Contohnya untuk layanan unlimited personal, yang sebelumnya Rp 2 juta per bulan didiskon sebesar 63% menjadi Rp 750 ribu per bulan.
Akankah rencana penurunan (kembali) tarif Speedy pada 1 April 2008 nanti hanyalah April Mop? Ataukah Telkom sudah mulai bangun dari tidurnya dan menyadari bahwa masyarakat sangat membutuhkan Internet dengan kualitas prima dengan harga terjangkau? Kita tunggu saja!
Kamis, Mei 24, 2007
Liga Champion 2006/2007 AC MILAN vs Liverpool
Bravo......Bravo i Rossoneri.itulah kalimat yang tepat untuk AC MILAN,final Liga Champion 2006/2007 kali ini mempertemukan The reds Liverpool VS Rossoneri AC MILAN.Agresifitas yang ditunjukan The Reds tidak mampu untuk menumbangkan permainan Koleftif dan taktis yag diperagakan AC MILAN.pada awal babak pertama liverpool menggebrak lewat umpan matang Steven Gerrard kepada Jermaine Pennant tidak di eksekusi dengan baik tendangan kaki kanan Pennant menyamping ke arah kanan gawang Dida,dan dida pun telah siap dengan reaksi cepatnya selamatlah gawang Milan.
Gerrard Cs tetap menekan dengan menerapkan pola permainan pressing dan tidak membiarkan Kaka Cs untuk bisa mengembangkan permainan.Praktis pada babak pertama Milan dibuat kebingungan dan tidak bisa berbuat apa - apa.petaka terjadi pada menit ke-45 Kaka dijatuhkan di daerah pertahanan Liperpool,dan wasit menghadiahkan tendangan bebas Pirlolah sang eksekutor.tendangannya membentur bahu Pipo Inzaghi dan bola meluncur kegawang Pepe Reina 1-0 untuk Milan.
Pada babak kedua tetap liverpool yang memegang kendali,tetapi sesekali serangan balik AC Milan membuat kerepotan barisan pertahanan The Reds yang digalang Jamie Carragher dan Dani Aigger.Determinasi Gatusso lah Kunci kemenangan Milan dia sukses mematikan pergerakan pemain - pemain tengah Liverpool,pada menit ke-83 Dewi Fortuna masih memayungi Milan umpan Kaka kepada Inzaghi dieksekusi dengan baik bola meluncur melewati badan Reina.2-0 untuk kemenangan Milan. luluh lantaklah motivasi Gerrard dkk tetapi bukanlah Gerrard yang tidak bisa mengembalikan semangat kawan - kawannya.Rafa memasukan Peter Crouch,memang ini membuat permainan bola - bola atas Liverpool menjadi optimal.The Reds bisa membalas lewat gol Dirk Kuyt.tetapi sekali lagi ketenangan,pengalaman dan jam terbang tinggi serta koordinasi pemain bertahan Milan telah teruji.Maldini Cs sekali lagi mengangkat tropi tertinggi dan bergengsi klub - klub eropa,ke- 7 untuk AC Milan dan Ke-5 untuk Maldini.Hebat.................sekali lagi Bravo AC Milan
Gerrard Cs tetap menekan dengan menerapkan pola permainan pressing dan tidak membiarkan Kaka Cs untuk bisa mengembangkan permainan.Praktis pada babak pertama Milan dibuat kebingungan dan tidak bisa berbuat apa - apa.petaka terjadi pada menit ke-45 Kaka dijatuhkan di daerah pertahanan Liperpool,dan wasit menghadiahkan tendangan bebas Pirlolah sang eksekutor.tendangannya membentur bahu Pipo Inzaghi dan bola meluncur kegawang Pepe Reina 1-0 untuk Milan.
Pada babak kedua tetap liverpool yang memegang kendali,tetapi sesekali serangan balik AC Milan membuat kerepotan barisan pertahanan The Reds yang digalang Jamie Carragher dan Dani Aigger.Determinasi Gatusso lah Kunci kemenangan Milan dia sukses mematikan pergerakan pemain - pemain tengah Liverpool,pada menit ke-83 Dewi Fortuna masih memayungi Milan umpan Kaka kepada Inzaghi dieksekusi dengan baik bola meluncur melewati badan Reina.2-0 untuk kemenangan Milan. luluh lantaklah motivasi Gerrard dkk tetapi bukanlah Gerrard yang tidak bisa mengembalikan semangat kawan - kawannya.Rafa memasukan Peter Crouch,memang ini membuat permainan bola - bola atas Liverpool menjadi optimal.The Reds bisa membalas lewat gol Dirk Kuyt.tetapi sekali lagi ketenangan,pengalaman dan jam terbang tinggi serta koordinasi pemain bertahan Milan telah teruji.Maldini Cs sekali lagi mengangkat tropi tertinggi dan bergengsi klub - klub eropa,ke- 7 untuk AC Milan dan Ke-5 untuk Maldini.Hebat.................sekali lagi Bravo AC Milan
Rabu, Mei 09, 2007
Sundanese Food
West Java Specialties
Sundanese Food
Many people visit Bandung, the capital of West Java province, to pamper their taste buds. You'll be amazed with what Bandung has to offer. From various food sold on street vendors to haute cuisine, every visitor will be able to find something to their liking here, in Bandung.
Sundanese (the people living in West Java are called Sundanese) has tempting refreshments. Sundanese food tends to be bland yet tasty unless you add sambal dadak (chili and other ingredients grinded together) to your food. If you're looking for more spicy taste, just add this sambal dadak with nasi timbel (steamed rice formed into a roll inside a banana leaf) and other specialties. This mouthwatering treat is too good to be missed! Usually sour vegetables soup (sayur asam) is accompanied by nasi timbel.
Sundanese people eat vegetables a lot. Sometimes they even eat raw vegetables (called lalap or lalapan) like cucumbers, tomatoes, coriander leaves, eggplants, cabbages, lettuces, and so on. Lalapan is usually accompanied by sambal dadak.
Probably one of the most well known dish, timbel, consists of nasi timbel, lalapan, sambal dadak, a piece of chicken (fried or roasted Sundanese style), fried beancurd, fried tempeh, a slice of jambal (salted fish). If you want to, you can add gepuk (slices of beef, mixed in traditional herbs, then fried), pepes (main ingredients such as fish, chicken, mushroom, etc. mixed with crushed and blended herbs, folded into a banana leaf, then steamed until they're ready to eat), sauteed greens, and others. Nasi timbel is a favorite among locals and visitors. Batagor baso tahu goreng (literally means, fried meatballs & beancurd) is one of the most well-sought specialty. Made from blended fish and beancurd, with a special peanut sauce, batagor?s popularity remains constant.
People with sweet tooth might fancy pisang molen (literally
Sundanese Food
means, molen banana), Indonesian traditional pastry filled with banana and cheese. For a variation, try brownies kukus (steamed brownies). Es cendol, made of blended/grinded rice, palm sugar, and coconut milk, is delightful on a hot day. While for a colder day, you might want to taste bandrek or bajigur.
Bandung also offers various milk products most notably, yoghurt. Basically there are two kinds of yoghurt in Bandung the thin one, and the thick one (French style).
Hot snacks ala Bandung are widely sold throughout the city. Among them are gehu-toge tahu- (beancurd with beansprouts and vegetables filling), pisang goreng (fried banana), cireng-aci goreng- (fried tapioca), and many more. You might be interested in trying other snacks such as, nangka goreng (fried jackfruit), peuyeum goreng (fermented cassava, fried), nanas goreng (fried pineapple), and so on. Ketan bakar (roasted sticky rice) and jagung bakar/rebus (roasted/boiled corns) are also recommended.
Nasi goreng (fried rice), although not originally from Bandung, is also a favorite. The ingredients vary, according to people's preference. Sometimes the rice is mixed with seafood (usually shrimps, pieces of cuttlefish, pieces of crab's flesh), chicken and vegetables, mutton and vegetables, salted fish, and so on.
Cakue, a dish made of flour dough then fried, also worths a try.
Bandung also has other kinds of restaurants, like Padangese (food from West Sumatra, very spicy in taste), Javanese (sweeter in taste), Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Western, Indian, and so on.
Sundanese Food
Fondly called Parahyangan meaning, Land of the Gods, this valley city has both metropolitan and homey atmosphere at the same time. Full of eateries, factory outlets, and malls, many people find going on a trip to Bandung both enjoyable and memorable.
Getting There
There are many ways to go to Bandung. You can go by plane, embark a train, or rent a car from Jakarta.
Where to Stay
Bandung has it all, cozy little inns to five-starred hotels.
Moving Around
Public transportation called angkot, covers most of Bandung. For greater comfort, it is best if you take a taxi. For greater comfort still, rent a car. A day's rent will save you time and trouble moving from one place to another and since Bandung is relatively small, you can cover most of Bandung's interesting places in a day.
Dining Guide
For a taste of nasi timbel and other Sundanese food, you can try the restaurants mentioned below. There are many others, though, so while you're in Bandung, you might be able to spot other restaurants selling tasty food.
Jalan Pasirkaliki 160, Bandung
Jalan Laswi 1, Bandung
Traditional food with elegant surrounding.
Jalan Surapati 49
Wide place, where you can eat while lesehan (sitting on the floor without chairs) or using a chair.
Jalan Raya Cikole Km 22
Jalan Raya Propinsi Ciwidey, Kabupaten Bandung
Jalan Surapati 53
One of the most famous Sundanese restaurants in Bandung.
Jalan Dr. Junjunan 107, Bandung
Modernized Sundanese cooking.
Jalan L.L.R.E. Martadinata (Riau) 156-158
Jalan Soekarno-Hatta 408
Good, plain Sundanese cooking.
Jalan Sumatera 9
Chic place. Tasty but the price is higher than other Sundanese restaurants.
Most foodcourts on the malls feature Sundanese cookings/restaurants. Most well-known is Ampera. You can grab nasi timbel here after browsing the malls.
If batagor seems to tempt you, then you might want to check out these restaurants:
Jalan Burangrang 41
You can buy the batagors here half-cooked, so you can fry them at home. Half-cooked batagors only last a few days if put inside a refridgerator.
Jalan Veteran (Bungsu) 25
Has been Bandung?s favorite for ages. You can also buy half-cooked batagors here.
Jalan Buah Batu 139
Jalan Cihampelas 198B
Famous for its batagor and mutton soup.
Pisang molen, brownies kukus are available at:
Sundanese Food
Jalan Buah Batu 165A
Jalan Kebon Jukut 3C
Jalan H. Akbar
Jalan Kopo Sayati 111A
Jalan Terusan Jakarta 77E
Jalan Ir. H. Djuanda (Dago)
Jalan Kemuning 20
Jalan Buah Batu 169A
Jalan Peta 169
Other bakeries also sell these delicacies. If you're busy, you can always go to supermarket. Most of them sell pisang molen and brownies kukus.
Es cendol are available at:
The most famous es cendol is called cendol Elizabeth, for it is being sold in front of Elizabeth's store (store selling bags and shoes) in Southern side of Bandung. However, it might be easier for you to order es cendol at traditional restaurants or buy it at the supermarket (prepacked, so you have to add the mixture of coconut's milk, palm sugar syrup, and the cendol on your own).
Bandrek, Bajigur are available at most Sundanese restaurants.
Sometimes they even sell bandrek and bajigur on sachets, so you can bring them as souvenirs for your loved ones.
Should you fancy yoghurt, you might try these places:
Jalan Cisangkuy 66
Thin type of yoghurt, the hangout place for young and old alike.
Jalan Aceh 30
Apart from yoghurt, you can try other milk products here, such as milk, kefir, and so on.
Jalan Sukawarna Baru 28
French-style yoghurt, thick type. You can order the yoghurt in small cups or in liters.
Interested in hot snacks?
The street vendors selling these snacks can be found throughout Bandung, most notably in Jalan Supratman and Jalan Cilaki. Ketan bakar and jagung bakar/rebus can be found on Jalan Ir. H. Djuanda (Dago) and in Lembang area.
Want a taste of fried rice?
You can get fried rice on street vendors, restaurants, or food courts in malls.
Cakue, you say? Try this place:
BEC Mall Jalan Purnawarman 13-15 2nd floor, C-05
Istana Plaza Mall Jalan Pasirkaliki 121-123, LG-B3
Try the various yummy sauce to add some taste to your cakue.
Feeling adventurous in sampling spicy Padangese food? Try these restaurants:
Jalan Buah Batu 150
Jalan Ir. H. Djuanda (Dago) 55
Jalan Surapati
Jalan L.L. R.E. Martadinata (Riau)
A tad more expensive than other restaurants with similar type, but decidedly tasty. Try ayam pop without the chili sauce, for those of you who favor blander (yet still delicious) food.
Jalan Dipati Ukur 80A
Relatively cheap and yummy.
If you feel like tasting Japanese, Chinese, or Korean food:
Jalan Ir. H. Djuanda (Dago) 48
Buffet style, Japanese food.
Hotel Holiday Inn
Jalan Ir. H. Djuanda 29
Just like sushi bars in Japan.
Hotel Horizon
Jalan Pelajar Pejuang 45
For sushi and various teppanyaki lovers.
Jalan Braga 64
Classy and unique.
Jalan Trunojoyo 32
Spacious place, oriental-style. Delicious food, too. It is also halal, so Muslim people can eat here without any doubts.
IP Mall, Jalan Pasirkaliki 121-123
Wide variety of Chinese food.
Flamboyant Centre, Jalan Sukajadi 232-234
For hainan rice and juan lo lovers.
Jalan Sukajadi 175
Cozy place with great service.
Jalan Karang Sari 21
Very Korean, very chic.
If steak and western food are your favorites, then you might be interested in trying these places:
Jalan L.L. R.E. Martadinata (Riau) 215
Yummy western food with Balinese atmosphere. Aside from western food, this place also serves tradional Indonesian food.
Jalan L.L. R.E. Martadinata (Riau) 67
While savoring your steak, you can also try their coffee. Ideal for hang out.
Jalan Prof. Dr. Eyckman 2
Delicious spaghetti and tasty pizza with thin crusts will make you longing for more.
Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi 174
Cool atmosphere, yummy food.
TAMANI CAFE Jalan Ir. H. Djuanda 7-9
Great western food. Also serves Indonesian and Japanese food. Big portion.
Bandung also has many good restaurants serving seafood. Among them are:
Jalan Cendana 4
Mouthwatering dishes. You can also buy their specialty?crabs, put inside a thermos flask. Ideals as gifts.
Jalan Sukajadi 225
On weekends, you will be able to watch live music. Big portion.
Those who fancy Thai food can try these restaurants:
Jalan Ir. H. Djuanda (Dago) 173
Great service. Mouthwatering dishes.
Jalan Braga 121 2nd Floor
Endless variations of Thai food.
Vietnamese food lovers might find this restaurant to their liking:
Jalan Sunda 56
If you visit this place on weekends, you'll be able to order from their special menu.
Souvenir Tips
Bandung mainly offers food and drink as souvenirs. Visit these stores to grab the famous keripik tempeh, keripik oncom, sale pisang, dodol, and other delicacies:
Both are located in Jalan Cihampelas.
Other Things to See or Do
Shop till you drop at the plentiful Factory Outlets and Malls, visit Cihampelas street to find jeans and clothes, go to Cibaduyut street to see leather products especially shoes and bags, visit other places of attraction in Bandung and surroundings.
Travel Tips
* If you plan to go to Bandung often, buy a complete map in major book stores. It's a great investment. That way you might save some money. Instead of renting a car, for instance, you can maximize public transportation to bring you anywhere you want to go.
* If you're not certain of local customs, language, menu, etc. don't hesitate to ask!
* It is advisable to learn a few important phrases in Indonesian. Not all Indonesians can speak English well.
Sundanese Food
Many people visit Bandung, the capital of West Java province, to pamper their taste buds. You'll be amazed with what Bandung has to offer. From various food sold on street vendors to haute cuisine, every visitor will be able to find something to their liking here, in Bandung.
Sundanese (the people living in West Java are called Sundanese) has tempting refreshments. Sundanese food tends to be bland yet tasty unless you add sambal dadak (chili and other ingredients grinded together) to your food. If you're looking for more spicy taste, just add this sambal dadak with nasi timbel (steamed rice formed into a roll inside a banana leaf) and other specialties. This mouthwatering treat is too good to be missed! Usually sour vegetables soup (sayur asam) is accompanied by nasi timbel.
Sundanese people eat vegetables a lot. Sometimes they even eat raw vegetables (called lalap or lalapan) like cucumbers, tomatoes, coriander leaves, eggplants, cabbages, lettuces, and so on. Lalapan is usually accompanied by sambal dadak.
Probably one of the most well known dish, timbel, consists of nasi timbel, lalapan, sambal dadak, a piece of chicken (fried or roasted Sundanese style), fried beancurd, fried tempeh, a slice of jambal (salted fish). If you want to, you can add gepuk (slices of beef, mixed in traditional herbs, then fried), pepes (main ingredients such as fish, chicken, mushroom, etc. mixed with crushed and blended herbs, folded into a banana leaf, then steamed until they're ready to eat), sauteed greens, and others. Nasi timbel is a favorite among locals and visitors. Batagor baso tahu goreng (literally means, fried meatballs & beancurd) is one of the most well-sought specialty. Made from blended fish and beancurd, with a special peanut sauce, batagor?s popularity remains constant.
People with sweet tooth might fancy pisang molen (literally
Sundanese Food
means, molen banana), Indonesian traditional pastry filled with banana and cheese. For a variation, try brownies kukus (steamed brownies). Es cendol, made of blended/grinded rice, palm sugar, and coconut milk, is delightful on a hot day. While for a colder day, you might want to taste bandrek or bajigur.
Bandung also offers various milk products most notably, yoghurt. Basically there are two kinds of yoghurt in Bandung the thin one, and the thick one (French style).
Hot snacks ala Bandung are widely sold throughout the city. Among them are gehu-toge tahu- (beancurd with beansprouts and vegetables filling), pisang goreng (fried banana), cireng-aci goreng- (fried tapioca), and many more. You might be interested in trying other snacks such as, nangka goreng (fried jackfruit), peuyeum goreng (fermented cassava, fried), nanas goreng (fried pineapple), and so on. Ketan bakar (roasted sticky rice) and jagung bakar/rebus (roasted/boiled corns) are also recommended.
Nasi goreng (fried rice), although not originally from Bandung, is also a favorite. The ingredients vary, according to people's preference. Sometimes the rice is mixed with seafood (usually shrimps, pieces of cuttlefish, pieces of crab's flesh), chicken and vegetables, mutton and vegetables, salted fish, and so on.
Cakue, a dish made of flour dough then fried, also worths a try.
Bandung also has other kinds of restaurants, like Padangese (food from West Sumatra, very spicy in taste), Javanese (sweeter in taste), Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Western, Indian, and so on.
Sundanese Food
Fondly called Parahyangan meaning, Land of the Gods, this valley city has both metropolitan and homey atmosphere at the same time. Full of eateries, factory outlets, and malls, many people find going on a trip to Bandung both enjoyable and memorable.
Getting There
There are many ways to go to Bandung. You can go by plane, embark a train, or rent a car from Jakarta.
Where to Stay
Bandung has it all, cozy little inns to five-starred hotels.
Moving Around
Public transportation called angkot, covers most of Bandung. For greater comfort, it is best if you take a taxi. For greater comfort still, rent a car. A day's rent will save you time and trouble moving from one place to another and since Bandung is relatively small, you can cover most of Bandung's interesting places in a day.
Dining Guide
For a taste of nasi timbel and other Sundanese food, you can try the restaurants mentioned below. There are many others, though, so while you're in Bandung, you might be able to spot other restaurants selling tasty food.
Jalan Pasirkaliki 160, Bandung
Jalan Laswi 1, Bandung
Traditional food with elegant surrounding.
Jalan Surapati 49
Wide place, where you can eat while lesehan (sitting on the floor without chairs) or using a chair.
Jalan Raya Cikole Km 22
Jalan Raya Propinsi Ciwidey, Kabupaten Bandung
Jalan Surapati 53
One of the most famous Sundanese restaurants in Bandung.
Jalan Dr. Junjunan 107, Bandung
Modernized Sundanese cooking.
Jalan L.L.R.E. Martadinata (Riau) 156-158
Jalan Soekarno-Hatta 408
Good, plain Sundanese cooking.
Jalan Sumatera 9
Chic place. Tasty but the price is higher than other Sundanese restaurants.
Most foodcourts on the malls feature Sundanese cookings/restaurants. Most well-known is Ampera. You can grab nasi timbel here after browsing the malls.
If batagor seems to tempt you, then you might want to check out these restaurants:
Jalan Burangrang 41
You can buy the batagors here half-cooked, so you can fry them at home. Half-cooked batagors only last a few days if put inside a refridgerator.
Jalan Veteran (Bungsu) 25
Has been Bandung?s favorite for ages. You can also buy half-cooked batagors here.
Jalan Buah Batu 139
Jalan Cihampelas 198B
Famous for its batagor and mutton soup.
Pisang molen, brownies kukus are available at:
Sundanese Food
Jalan Buah Batu 165A
Jalan Kebon Jukut 3C
Jalan H. Akbar
Jalan Kopo Sayati 111A
Jalan Terusan Jakarta 77E
Jalan Ir. H. Djuanda (Dago)
Jalan Kemuning 20
Jalan Buah Batu 169A
Jalan Peta 169
Other bakeries also sell these delicacies. If you're busy, you can always go to supermarket. Most of them sell pisang molen and brownies kukus.
Es cendol are available at:
The most famous es cendol is called cendol Elizabeth, for it is being sold in front of Elizabeth's store (store selling bags and shoes) in Southern side of Bandung. However, it might be easier for you to order es cendol at traditional restaurants or buy it at the supermarket (prepacked, so you have to add the mixture of coconut's milk, palm sugar syrup, and the cendol on your own).
Bandrek, Bajigur are available at most Sundanese restaurants.
Sometimes they even sell bandrek and bajigur on sachets, so you can bring them as souvenirs for your loved ones.
Should you fancy yoghurt, you might try these places:
Jalan Cisangkuy 66
Thin type of yoghurt, the hangout place for young and old alike.
Jalan Aceh 30
Apart from yoghurt, you can try other milk products here, such as milk, kefir, and so on.
Jalan Sukawarna Baru 28
French-style yoghurt, thick type. You can order the yoghurt in small cups or in liters.
Interested in hot snacks?
The street vendors selling these snacks can be found throughout Bandung, most notably in Jalan Supratman and Jalan Cilaki. Ketan bakar and jagung bakar/rebus can be found on Jalan Ir. H. Djuanda (Dago) and in Lembang area.
Want a taste of fried rice?
You can get fried rice on street vendors, restaurants, or food courts in malls.
Cakue, you say? Try this place:
BEC Mall Jalan Purnawarman 13-15 2nd floor, C-05
Istana Plaza Mall Jalan Pasirkaliki 121-123, LG-B3
Try the various yummy sauce to add some taste to your cakue.
Feeling adventurous in sampling spicy Padangese food? Try these restaurants:
Jalan Buah Batu 150
Jalan Ir. H. Djuanda (Dago) 55
Jalan Surapati
Jalan L.L. R.E. Martadinata (Riau)
A tad more expensive than other restaurants with similar type, but decidedly tasty. Try ayam pop without the chili sauce, for those of you who favor blander (yet still delicious) food.
Jalan Dipati Ukur 80A
Relatively cheap and yummy.
If you feel like tasting Japanese, Chinese, or Korean food:
Jalan Ir. H. Djuanda (Dago) 48
Buffet style, Japanese food.
Hotel Holiday Inn
Jalan Ir. H. Djuanda 29
Just like sushi bars in Japan.
Hotel Horizon
Jalan Pelajar Pejuang 45
For sushi and various teppanyaki lovers.
Jalan Braga 64
Classy and unique.
Jalan Trunojoyo 32
Spacious place, oriental-style. Delicious food, too. It is also halal, so Muslim people can eat here without any doubts.
IP Mall, Jalan Pasirkaliki 121-123
Wide variety of Chinese food.
Flamboyant Centre, Jalan Sukajadi 232-234
For hainan rice and juan lo lovers.
Jalan Sukajadi 175
Cozy place with great service.
Jalan Karang Sari 21
Very Korean, very chic.
If steak and western food are your favorites, then you might be interested in trying these places:
Jalan L.L. R.E. Martadinata (Riau) 215
Yummy western food with Balinese atmosphere. Aside from western food, this place also serves tradional Indonesian food.
Jalan L.L. R.E. Martadinata (Riau) 67
While savoring your steak, you can also try their coffee. Ideal for hang out.
Jalan Prof. Dr. Eyckman 2
Delicious spaghetti and tasty pizza with thin crusts will make you longing for more.
Jalan Dr. Setiabudhi 174
Cool atmosphere, yummy food.
TAMANI CAFE Jalan Ir. H. Djuanda 7-9
Great western food. Also serves Indonesian and Japanese food. Big portion.
Bandung also has many good restaurants serving seafood. Among them are:
Jalan Cendana 4
Mouthwatering dishes. You can also buy their specialty?crabs, put inside a thermos flask. Ideals as gifts.
Jalan Sukajadi 225
On weekends, you will be able to watch live music. Big portion.
Those who fancy Thai food can try these restaurants:
Jalan Ir. H. Djuanda (Dago) 173
Great service. Mouthwatering dishes.
Jalan Braga 121 2nd Floor
Endless variations of Thai food.
Vietnamese food lovers might find this restaurant to their liking:
Jalan Sunda 56
If you visit this place on weekends, you'll be able to order from their special menu.
Souvenir Tips
Bandung mainly offers food and drink as souvenirs. Visit these stores to grab the famous keripik tempeh, keripik oncom, sale pisang, dodol, and other delicacies:
Both are located in Jalan Cihampelas.
Other Things to See or Do
Shop till you drop at the plentiful Factory Outlets and Malls, visit Cihampelas street to find jeans and clothes, go to Cibaduyut street to see leather products especially shoes and bags, visit other places of attraction in Bandung and surroundings.
Travel Tips
* If you plan to go to Bandung often, buy a complete map in major book stores. It's a great investment. That way you might save some money. Instead of renting a car, for instance, you can maximize public transportation to bring you anywhere you want to go.
* If you're not certain of local customs, language, menu, etc. don't hesitate to ask!
* It is advisable to learn a few important phrases in Indonesian. Not all Indonesians can speak English well.
Rabu, April 04, 2007
Cangkuang Temple
Cangkuang Temple is 10 kilometers from Tarogong to the North in the direction to Bandung. To go there, tourists particularly foreigners took delman (a traditional land transportation with horse in the front). Beautiful flowers cover the shallow situ. There is a small island in the middle of the lake, namely Cangkuang temple. It is the only Hindu temple that ever found in West Java is the important discovery in the past. Cangkuang has been built in the period of the first Sundanese Kingdom: Galuh Kingdom. Near the temple, there are heritage graves from the Moslem follower Arif Muhammad, who is one of the Mataram Kingdom soldier from Central Java when attacking the Dutch Colonialist in Batavia (now Jakarta), at the 17th Century. The ambush failed, he refused to return and stayed in Cangkuang for teaching and disseminating Islam to the surrounding community, precisely in Kampung Pulo, where his hereditary stays until now. In Kampung Pulo, can be found the traditional village, which contains six houses in a row and face-to-face, three on the left and three on the right, plus one mosque, which stays only six families. In the edge of the lake, to reach Cangkuang temple, people must use traditional transportation made from bamboo, but safe and comfortable that is called rakit (raft).
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